FreeBSD and MailScanner
pete at
Tue Mar 23 01:42:43 GMT 2004
Pete wrote:
> I am going to try and run MaiLScanner on Free BSD on my secondary (very
> low volume) mailgateway, i want to run it in a used enviroment as i am
> pretty new to BSD but i want to use it in action while i learn as much
> as i can.
> My question is, is the offical ports tree updated with MS or should just
> download the archive posted to this list, extract to
> /usr/ports/mail/maillscanner-devel and install from there? maybe
> extracting the new devel releases over the top of the previous ones?
> I did a /stand/sysinstall and updated the ports tree, but make search
> name=mailscanner finds nothing :(
> Has anyone wrriten any specific doco for freeBSD/postfix/mailscanner ?
> Just follow the guide on BSD and the postfix one on Julian's site?
> Thanks in advance
> Pete
Sorry to reply to myself
But i think i answered it myself. need to browse around the freebsd
ports pages and i soon found MS. But 4.6.5_1 only
I assume they dont accept new submissions to the ports tree as fast as
Julian codes? So just do the extraction method i posted abiove?
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