Mailscanner, MTA and postfix questions

Pete pete at
Mon Mar 15 21:10:45 GMT 2004

Jason Williams wrote:

> Hello everyone.
> I've been tinkering around lately with Mailscanner and have really liked
> what I have seen so far. I've been able to successfully get MS up and
> running on a FreeBSD box running sendmail. I setup clamav without
> breaking
> a sweat. The only thing I haven't been able to get fully involved with
> yet
> is working with SA...
> I wanted to ask a few questions regarding MTA's and MS. I know Sendmail
> works with MS and works quite easily. However, I have toyed with the idea
> of running MS on a postfix box (MS is going to act as our mail gateway,
> scanning and stripping items as they come in, then forward to our private
> mail server).
> I've read through some archives as well as the FAQ on Postfix, but I
> wanted
> to hear some other feedback in regards to how well Postfix works with
> MS. I
> read in the archives, that support for Postfix is not fully
> implemented yet?

Been working fine here for 6 months.

> I don't mind running MS on a Sendmail box, but I wanted to get the
> best of
> both worlds by running one of our mail servers on postfix, and the
> other on
> sendmail (granted, our internal mail server must run Sendmail)
> I quickly setup a postfix box here at work and did some initial
> configurations. However, I was confused about one part of the setup that
> was listed on the MS site. Specifically, the part where it says to
> comment
> out the smtpd line in That would effectively not allow it to
> listen on port 25 at all. Is this a typo? Or is there something else that
> needs to be done with this as well.

Nup - re read it. You split postfix into 2 servers. 1=inbound 2=outbound
(outbound to your internal servers) 2 does not need to listen on port
25, as it recieves it mail from MailScanner, via the filesystem, not via

> I appreciate the help.
> Just a quick question: Do most people run MS on Sendmail? Anyone have a %
> list of what MTA is most popular to run MS on? Just curious really.

Only reason i chose postfix is because Sendmail is too complicated for
me. Postfix 'seems' to be more logical and easier to use, for me - the
MTA choice might be more philosophical for some users :)

I found postfix to be absolutely rock solid reliable (but i dont have a
high volume), so far no problems at, but then again i am sure sendmail
and exim users will report same.

Whats your mail vlume going to be accross this mailscanner box and what
spec machine will you have - these may be important factors in choosing
the correct MTA for you?

> Thanks everyone!
> Cheers,
> Jas

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