Calling all translators (Welsh)

Chris W. Parker cparker at SWATGEAR.COM
Thu Mar 4 21:53:22 GMT 2004

Julian Field <mailto:mailscanner at ECS.SOTON.AC.UK>
    on Thursday, March 04, 2004 12:51 PM said:

> Tony Blair is the Prime Minister (political head of the government).
> The Queen is the monarch. The United Kingdom is made up of England,
> Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.


> Other languages used to be spoken as well, such as Cornish in
> Cornwall, a county in the SW of England, though that has pretty much
> died out now. 

wow. this is all very interesting. i'm somewhat of an expert on the
uk... actually wait.. that's not true at all, i just made that up. :)

i've been to england once (i enjoyed it very much btw) and while there i
went to ireland also. although i don't quite remember where....... nice
place too.

my girlfriend lived there (england, birmingham) for about 9 months as a
student. she loved it and would like to go back and live there. she's a
big fan of public transportation for some reason. myself on the other
hand, i enjoy cars very much.

so do cornish, welsh, and the two gaelic languages all sound very
different or are they like the difference between portugeuse and spanish
(which i understand to be similar...).


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