Attachment filter

Antonio Lobato tomlobato at IG.COM.BR
Wed Jun 30 18:29:34 IST 2004

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 16:51:39 +0100
"Spicer, Kevin" <Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK> wrote:

> >        I read how mailscanner works and saw that it use the sendmail
> queue > schema. Can I run mailscanner in another way, say, calling it
> from p3scan?
> No, it's a batch based processing system, calling it on an individual
> message - or while a user is waiting for a download is likely to cause
> unacceptable load and delay

        Please see reply that I wrote to Mariano Absatz. As I already started to write such function set, I experienced enough speed for interception -> attach_name_scan -> send_to_client.
        The only bad delay is for virus scan, because scanner (clamav here) take some seconds to decide whether is or not virus.

        Thank you

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