Messages with multiple recipients not being scanned

Gib Gilbertson Jr. gib at TMISNET.COM
Sun Jun 27 23:20:32 IST 2004


I've been getting more and more spam of late and noticed that MailScanner
is not scanning most of these. They have the "Unscanned Header Value"
attached to them. These e-mails are addressed to many recipients and appear
to get through unscanned because one of the recipients is on the whitelist.

I remember reading on the list at some point in time about having to do
something to make sendmail or MailScanner treat each recipient as an
individual e-mail, I've tried going through the archives but can't seem to
find the thread.

Running the following:

FreeBSD 4.10
MailScanner 4.26.8
SpamAssassin 2.63
ClamAV .72

Thanks for any help you can give.


      Gib Gilbertson Jr.
     Tierramiga Info Systems
      619-287-8647 Support
      San Diego's "Friendly ISP"

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