Bounce/Forward, Forward/Delete.

Ron Hahn (Senior Analyst) HahnR at SHB.IE
Tue Jun 1 11:34:38 IST 2004

Why bring this upon yourself?

My experience has been that:

a) The return path is usually invalid, so you get a bounce to your bounced
message, wasting more resources.
b) The domain doesn't exist, so again you get more processing overload.
c) The mailserver on the far end usually times out repeatedly, causing your
mail server to try try try again again again..

In summary, I don't think this is what you really want.

..and trying to "get even" with the spammer is also a losing battle because
you will end up being the real loser.. lost resources, lost time, etc..

Here, all high scoring spam goes directly to /dev/null.  Low scoring spam
gets clearly marked as such in the subject and most email clients deal with
that just fine; Without consuming excessive resources.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó [mailto:carles at UNLIMITEDMAIL.ORG]
Sent: 01 June 2004 11:05
Subject: Bounce/Forward, Forward/Delete.

I have an authenticated STMP relay server that is used by my users for send email to the Internet. I have a MailScanner setup running on it.

I would like to send rejection message back to the sender of all spam
messages and forward a copy of the spam message to my email account 
spam_detected at

Is it possible to specy this two actions (bounce and forward) in my spam 
actions ruleset file ?
How ?

And is it possilbe to customice the bounce rejection message ?

Is it possible too to make a forward and a delete spam action ?
How ?
(I would like to get a copy of the spam message, but don't sent it to the final recipients)

Carles Xavier Munyoz Baldó
carles at

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