Whitelisted messages tagged as spam

Kevin Miller Kevin_Miller at CI.JUNEAU.AK.US
Thu Jul 15 23:35:48 IST 2004

Matt Kettler wrote:
> Clearly it didn't match the whitelist entry, otherwise the header
> would say it was whitelisted.

Well, that's the theory. ;-)

>  From reading the docs I can't see any place claiming mailscanner
> whitelists  support file-glob style use of ?, only they only support
> * in that manner. However, they do support full blown perl regexes.

I can't recall if I read using "?" was supported or not, but I vaguely
remember seeing someone else using it or posting that it was OK.  Haven't
checked the archives.  A search on "?" probably wouldn't be very productive!

Interestingly, I just took a look at the message that got through, and it
was text.  The others are html.  Might be a clue, although I didn't realize
they might be handled differently (beyond the issues w/exploits like
iframes, etc. of course).

> Try using a regex instead:
> From:   /*\@airemote[0-9]\.aif1\.com/

Thanks, I'll give that a try.  Appreciate the help...

Kevin Miller                Registered Linux User No: 307357
CBJ MIS Dept.               Network Systems Administrator, Mail
Administrator 155 South Seward Street     ph: (907) 586-0242
Juneau, Alaska 99801        fax: (907 586-4500

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