Filename rules

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Thu Jul 8 18:38:32 IST 2004

Jerry Thomas wrote:

> Hello,
> Is there anyway to delete emails with dangerous attachments similar to
> the High scoring spam action?
> I change the following line in filename.rules.conf
> deny    \.pif$  Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack         Shortcuts to MS-Dos programs are very dangerous in email
> deny+delete     \.pif$  deleting pif attachment         -

Probably, but I don't think this is your problem... see below

> but after each email I see that the file is being requeued in postfix.
> The new queue file is getting corrupted but that's another issue.

What do you mean?  The files are delivered?  They shouldn't.  They
should be quarantined.

Could you give us more info about all that?

> I would like to do this with all the virii extenstions since nobody
> would ever really send them anyway.

That is the default behaviour, IIRC.

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