Filename rules

Jerry Thomas thomasj at SCOREGROUP.COM
Thu Jul 8 18:18:37 IST 2004


Is there anyway to delete emails with dangerous attachments similar to
the High scoring spam action?

I change the following line in filename.rules.conf

deny    \.pif$  Possible MS-Dos program shortcut attack         Shortcuts to MS-Dos programs are very dangerous in email

deny+delete     \.pif$  deleting pif attachment         -

but after each email I see that the file is being requeued in postfix.
The new queue file is getting corrupted but that's another issue.

I would like to do this with all the virii extenstions since nobody
would ever really send them anyway.

Thanks for the help,
Jerry Thomas            thomasj at
I.T. Director           ph. 305-662-5959 ext. 242
The SCORE Group         fax 305-662-8922

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