Anyone running big SPARC boxes?

Sigurbjörn Birkir Lárusson sibbi at MARGMIDLUN.IS
Thu Jul 8 13:19:06 IST 2004

> |>After this it becomes not so cheap any more (V880 and up) 
> so I would 
> |>recommend multiple servers of the above models before a 
> bigger iron. 
> |>Always easier to upgrade the software with redundant 
> servers than one 
> |>big one anyway.
> |
> |
> | We did mailscanning with a V880, one iof the bigger SUN boxes, but 
> | replaces it with a dual xeon. Its simply a waste of money to do 
> | scanning on SPARC systems.
> |
> Amen.
> (Sorry could not resist)
> - -d

I've been running MailScanner on dual 1.6Ghz opteron boxes with 2GB of ram (1GB per CPU). It's handling about 350K mails a day, averaging 150k per message (around 50 gigabytes) per box with roughly 20% idle CPU time.  The hardware is cheap and cheerfull and does the job.

Best regards,
Sigurbjörn B. Lárusson <sibbi at>/<sibbi at>
Kerfisstjóri/System Administrator
Margmiðlun hf 

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