
Erik Jakobsen eja at URBAKKEN.DK
Tue Jan 27 17:28:23 GMT 2004

shrek-m at wrote:
> Erik Jakobsen wrote:
>> Julian Field wrote:
>>> Half the point of MailScanner is that you only need the command-line "on
>>> demand" scanner, you don't need anything more fancy than that.
>> Thanks for the reply. How do I make the "on demand" ?.
> eg. in  /etc/MailScanner/MailScanner.conf
> Virus Scanners = antivir

I do have antivir written on this line, but I only gets information,
that antivir is updated.

> MailScanner starts antivir for scanning = on-demand

Ok, this is the job, that MailScanner does ?.

> in short words:
> on access (daemon) = every file you or the os (operatingsystem)
> opens/access will be scanned
> on demand (command-line) = explicit start for scanning  a file

I see. And the only simple thing to do is having the antivir placed in
the MailScanner.conf as I have ?. Nothing else to do ?.

I wonder then why virusinformation the doesn't have antivir in the
messages I receive about founded viruses. I receive information from my
F-PROT and my CLAMAV. They of course also is written on the
MailScanner.conf line.

Thanks for your help.


>>>> *************************************************************************
>>>> You downloaded the Linux Workstation product. This provides an
>>>> "on-access" scanner and a command-line "on-demand" scanner. If you want
>>>> the command-line scanner to scan your emails, you will need to
>>>> configure
>>>> your Clarkconnect Server to call the antivir binary for each mail.
>>>> (I am
>>>> unfamiliar with the Clarkconnect Server, so I cannot offer any help
>>>> here).
>>>> We also have MailGate available to private use. This runs as a mail
>>>> proxy to scan all incoming and outgoing email.
>>>> *************************************************************************
> --
> shrek-m

Med venlig hilsen - Best regards.
Erik Jakobsen - eja at
Licensed radioamateur with the callsign OZ4KK.
SuSE Linux 8.2 Proff.
Registered as user #319488 with the Linux Counter,

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