ANNOUNCE: Unstable 4.26.5 released

Ken Anderson ka at PACIFIC.NET
Fri Jan 23 23:25:45 GMT 2004

The script that processes the log would be entirely separate from
MailScanner of course, like antivirus updates, generating whitelists etc.

I think I'm just talking about a patch to the logging that MS already
does to log recipient, subject and msg id for low scoring spam to
support this. I'll post it for others if I get it working. I haven't
looked at the code yet, so I'm not sure those things are even available
in that part of the process. If anyone else has already done this,
please chime in.

Ken Anderson

Peter Bonivart wrote:

> Ken Anderson wrote:
>> The notify function is probably not appropriate for this, but it got me
>> thinking again that it would be nice to have a daily email sent to users
>> who can scan a list of emails that MailScanner has quarantined.
> In my humble opinion, MS is a real-time system. All kinds of summaries
> are better done with other tools, like MailWatch for example. Shouldn't
> be too hard to do your own script either, if you ask on the list someone
> probably will share an already existing one.
> --
> /Peter Bonivart
> --Unix lovers do it in the Sun
> Sun Fire V210, Solaris 9, Sendmail 8.12.10, MailScanner 4.25-14,
> SpamAssassin 2.61 + DCC 1.2.21, ClamAV 0.65 + GMP

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