Customized spam actions.

Julian Field mailscanner at
Fri Jan 9 16:42:37 GMT 2004

At 16:12 09/01/2004, you wrote:
>Is it possible to customize the spam actions by email or by domain ?

Yes, using a ruleset. Please read /etc/MailScanner/rules/*

>Example 1: The owner of the mailboxl user1 at wants that all its email
>messages marked as spam be bounced, but the owner of the mailbox
>user2 at wants a deliver of its spam messages.

To: user1 at bounce
To: user2 at deliver

>Example 2: I want the spam action delete for all the spam detected mails
>delivered to the domain, but the action deliver for the domain

To: delete
To: deliver

>Is it possible ?
>I know that it is possible for the virus scan especify which domains or
>mailboxes will have its email messages scaned using a filename rules, but is
>it possible too for the spam maked messages ?

Rulesets apply to virtually all configuration options, as given in the
comment immediately before each configuration option.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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