Postfix warning?

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sun Feb 29 19:09:24 GMT 2004

At 13:43 27/02/2004, you wrote:
>Ben wrote:
>>Dear All,
>>Do these matters?
>>Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: warning:
>>/var/spool/ and /etc/passwd differ
>>Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: starting the
>>Postfix mail system
>>Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/master[12930]: daemon started --
>>version 2.0.11
>>Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: warning:
>>/var/spool/postfix/etc/passwd and /etc/passwd differ
>>Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: starting the
>>Postfix mail system
>read up on postfix chroot - becauser you have chrooted postif you need
>to keep the OS and the Postifx version of these files uptodate, this
>will also occur for files like hosts.
>If you have been editing your /etc/passwd file then you can simply copy
>it /var/spool/postfix/etc/ this will cure your error, but the error isnt
>really fatal.
>I guess ou can sumlink these files due to the whole purpose of securing
>postfix using chroot, maybe you can, if so could saome one confirm, me
>not linux guru enough toi know whether to mess with symlinking these or not.

You must hard link them (ln) and not symlink (ln -s) them.
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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