Postfix warning?

Pete pete at
Fri Feb 27 13:43:36 GMT 2004

Ben wrote:

> Dear All,
> Do these matters?
> Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: warning:
> /var/spool/ and /etc/passwd differ
> Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: starting the
> Postfix mail system
> Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/master[12930]: daemon started --
> version 2.0.11
> Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: warning:
> /var/spool/postfix/etc/passwd and /etc/passwd differ
> Feb 27 17:44:23 mailscanner postfix/postfix-script: starting the
> Postfix mail system
read up on postfix chroot - becauser you have chrooted postif you need
to keep the OS and the Postifx version of these files uptodate, this
will also occur for files like hosts.

If you have been editing your /etc/passwd file then you can simply copy
it /var/spool/postfix/etc/ this will cure your error, but the error isnt
really fatal.

I guess ou can sumlink these files due to the whole purpose of securing
postfix using chroot, maybe you can, if so could saome one confirm, me
not linux guru enough toi know whether to mess with symlinking these or not.

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