4.27-6 Release Date?

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Fri Feb 27 17:15:31 GMT 2004

Raymond Dijkxhoorn wrote:
> Hi!
>>> Thanks for reminding me about that one, had forgotten. The key to
>>> the problem lay in your last sentence above. If you se the
>>> non-forging viruses to anything other than empty, it will work :-)
>>> Fixed now.
>> Ok, cool! Saves some annoying crap :)
> Perhaps this is fixed also, but just checking:
> I noticed i had messages with double virus warnings attached...
>    1    ~6 lines   Text/PLAIN
>    2   ~21 lines   Text/PLAIN (Name: "VirusWarning.txt")
>    3   ~23 lines   Text/PLAIN (Name: "VirusWarning.txt")

Surely thats because they are replacing different MIME parts. One Virus warning is replacing the HTML body that triggered the IFRAME rule - the other replacing the virus ridden attachment.

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