Post Upgrade strangeness

Pete pete at
Wed Feb 25 21:30:30 GMT 2004

I just upgraded my second mailscanner machine from
4.24-5/SA2.60/mailwatch .3b

I changed nothing in the configs, except to add the new spamlists. The
delivery method is set to batch

Now, much unlike before, messages are accepted by incoming postfix, but
not scanned, i get a pile of 10+ emails in the queue. I restart the MS
service and they begin to scan, but, all of them are spamassassin timed
out and delivered with a 0.00 score.

While my other mailscanner machine on the primary MX is purring along as
before accepting scanning and delivering mail in quicktime.
Can anyone suggest where i should start looking? i have searched the
mail archives but all the timed out stuff in there doesnt 'appear' to
apply to me.

Appreciate any help

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