ClamAV Module Failure

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Wed Aug 11 01:19:18 IST 2004


> I know that Ugo had this problem a while ago but I too have just
> upgraded my ClamAV to 0.75.1 and it's broken the perl module with
> 'Commercial virus checker failed with real error: Invalid function
> CL_ENCRYPTED at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/mach/Mail/
> line 69.' I have reinstalled Clam and the Clam module with no success.
> Looking at the file there doesn't seem to be any reference to
> 'CL_ENCRYPTED' any where in the file. I guess this is the return from
> Clam after it has scanned and the perl module doesn't have any
> conversion for that string but what it should be or even where it needs
> patching is outside of my rather poor coding skills. Has anyone else
> seen this or have any ideas on a patch for it?

This was explained some days ago, please search the archive. Meanwhile
reinstall Mail::ClamAV (latest version)


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