mailscanner and postfix

Drew Marshall drew at THEMARSHALLS.CO.UK
Tue Apr 27 22:33:43 IST 2004

Ken Dyke wrote:

>Thank you for replying.
>On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 08:34:02PM +0100, Drew Marshall (drew at THEMARSHALLS.CO.UK) wrote:
>>'Single Instance Postfix' setup. All this basically involves is writing
>>a suitable REGEX matching your server's Received: header and dumping
>>these matches to the hold queue. MailScanner then retrieves them from
>>there and does it's bit, returning the now scanned mail to the
>>'Incoming' queue for Postfix to deliver like normal. Neater and equally
>I may end up asking for more details about this.
Not a problem. there is a thread in the list archive or have a look at

>Please point out where I don't understand how mailscanner work.
>Postfix has a nice facility to pipe to filter (as you say).  A simple
>daemon accepts messages on this pipe and places them into a queue
>(directory) where mailscanner picks them up.  Mailscanner then hands(?)
>the processed messages back to the daemon which pipes them back to
>What am I missing?  I need to have a clear enough picture to talk the
>coder into writing this (if feasible).
Nothing, that's about it. I wondered if the Amavis setup using the Perl
Net Server module (I think that's what is used for the LMTP/SMTP
connection) would work. I know someone mentioned on this list they had
done something similar using Exim as the 'Filter'. They set up Exim in a
minimalist form, binding to another port to use for SMTP, then used the
Postfix filter to forward to Exim. MailScanner does it's job and then
Exim returned it to Postfix to complete the process. Personally I like
Postfix and don't want to play with Exim (And on the odd occasion I
have, I have found it much harder to configure than Postfix) and if I
wanted Exim, I would run Exim through out.

The only things to consider are how does the wrapper look after the mail
in the event of a system failure? MailScanner actually only scans a copy
of the message (I believe?) so in the event of a power failure the
original is just picked up again and is rescanned. After scanning the
message is moved from one queue to another so MailScanner doesn't
actually 'take control or ownership' of the message. This shouldn't be
too large a problem and certainly not a show stopper.
I would be interested to hear how you get on.

>>However, if some were to write a wrapper,I would be delighted to trial
>>it for them :-) . Sadly I code like a Sys. Admin suffering RSA and
>>coffee deprivation :-)
Sorry, Repetitive Strain Injury. All the health & safety rage here in
the UK.


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