mailscanner and postfix

Tue Apr 27 21:16:55 IST 2004

Thank you for replying.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2004 at 08:34:02PM +0100, Drew Marshall (drew at THEMARSHALLS.CO.UK) wrote:
> 'Single Instance Postfix' setup. All this basically involves is writing
> a suitable REGEX matching your server's Received: header and dumping
> these matches to the hold queue. MailScanner then retrieves them from
> there and does it's bit, returning the now scanned mail to the
> 'Incoming' queue for Postfix to deliver like normal. Neater and equally
> effective.

I may end up asking for more details about this.

Please point out where I don't understand how mailscanner work.

Postfix has a nice facility to pipe to filter (as you say).  A simple
daemon accepts messages on this pipe and places them into a queue
(directory) where mailscanner picks them up.  Mailscanner then hands(?)
the processed messages back to the daemon which pipes them back to

What am I missing?  I need to have a clear enough picture to talk the
coder into writing this (if feasible).

> However, if some were to write a wrapper,I would be delighted to trial
> it for them :-) . Sadly I code like a Sys. Admin suffering RSA and
> coffee deprivation :-)

I think, therefore, ken_i_m
Chief Gadgeteer, Elegant Innovations
Founder, Bozeman Linux Users Group
(406) 581-0495

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