Strength of MailScanner vs w/SpamAssasin

Mark Steudel msteudel at PANICWARE.COM
Fri Apr 16 02:36:44 IST 2004

Thanks for everyone's reply, I'll probably try and install SA and give it a

"Stop users using "catchall" email accounts or info@ etc. (not MS related I
know.. )"

For those of you running or providing support in company IT departments. How
do stop your marketing department from insisting on having these catchall
accounts, and how do you go about transitioning end users (internet users)
from using something like support to something not catch allish. I don't
think we have support@ anywhere on our website, but it's so ingrained in
people that everyone sends stuff there. We've put a responder in place to
direct them to our web form, but have the rest of you done?

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