Julian Field mailscanner at
Tue Apr 13 20:39:06 IST 2004

Well said.
Conversation closed.
I don't expect to see any follow-ups in this thread.

At 20:22 13/04/2004, you wrote:
>Erik Jakobsen wrote:
>>Its not a troll. At first I asked as I normal do, without saying, that
>>you all should rush to my attetion. If you feel thats not the true, then
>>prove what you say I have done and rushed for, but I didn't.
>Erik, I'm not trying to flame you. Some people like trolling; perhaps
>it's fun in a twisted-kind-of way. (mental note: I should try trolling
>some day :-)
>Generally speaking, everyone on this list is here either to get help
>if/when they run into trouble, and to give back to everyone else for the
>assistance they've received in the past. I still have the occasional
>problem or glitch or human error (problems my stupidity caused) that
>causes problems; and the people on this list are always here to back me
>up...even when things are "slightly OT".
>>Of course non is taking any care if I leave the stage, but I get peace.
>>And about paying. There I have to tell you, that I have supported
>>mailscanner many many times. And I have not claimed about anything about
>>mailscanner. Have I ?.
>Erik, calm down. Take a deep cleansing breath. Nobody here is out to get
>you. Nobody here hates you. From around the planet, we're all just text
>on the screen to each other. Don't get so defensive and try to stay
>If you decide to leave that's fine. If you decide to stick it out here
>and really learn what you need to, that's fine too. Nobody is asking you
>to leave, and likely nobody will beg you (or anyone else) to stay.
>Try to see this from Ugo's perspective. He has spent countless hours
>here and on his MAQ project trying to make it easier for people to get
>this wonderful thing called MailScanner to work as well for them as it
>does for him. Last I checked, he's doing it all out of the goodness of
>his heart too; I don't think he's received a cent for what he's
>done...and he's not asking for that either. Seeing people ask the same
>basic questions without first reading the available resources is
>I've learned that it's best when asking a question to explain what it is
>that you want to do and why you want to do that, what exactly happens
>when you try to do it, what error message(s) you get (if any), where and
>what you've researched in your attempt to fix this on your own and why
>that doesn't seem to work. Show everyone that you've put in the effort
>yourself first, and you'll be more likely to get polite responses back.
>I'm not suggesting that you want people to do your work for you, but
>that has certainly been the case with others.
>Finally, system administration is a very complicated job that requires
>proficiency in a number of specialized areas. Not everyone has the time
>or the knowledge to do it, and most people should not even try (as I
>think of my parents or in-laws).
>>Thanks Chris. You have said the most adult words in this ugly
>>discussion. I really regret, that I asked this damn innocent question,
>>but done is done.
>>subject closed.
>You're welcome.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support
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