Chris Yuzik chris at FRACTALWEB.COM
Tue Apr 13 20:22:03 IST 2004

Erik Jakobsen wrote:

> Its not a troll. At first I asked as I normal do, without saying, that
> you all should rush to my attetion. If you feel thats not the true, then
> prove what you say I have done and rushed for, but I didn't.

Erik, I'm not trying to flame you. Some people like trolling; perhaps
it's fun in a twisted-kind-of way. (mental note: I should try trolling
some day :-)

Generally speaking, everyone on this list is here either to get help
if/when they run into trouble, and to give back to everyone else for the
assistance they've received in the past. I still have the occasional
problem or glitch or human error (problems my stupidity caused) that
causes problems; and the people on this list are always here to back me
up...even when things are "slightly OT".

> Of course non is taking any care if I leave the stage, but I get peace.
> And about paying. There I have to tell you, that I have supported
> mailscanner many many times. And I have not claimed about anything about
> mailscanner. Have I ?.

Erik, calm down. Take a deep cleansing breath. Nobody here is out to get
you. Nobody here hates you. From around the planet, we're all just text
on the screen to each other. Don't get so defensive and try to stay

If you decide to leave that's fine. If you decide to stick it out here
and really learn what you need to, that's fine too. Nobody is asking you
to leave, and likely nobody will beg you (or anyone else) to stay.

Try to see this from Ugo's perspective. He has spent countless hours
here and on his MAQ project trying to make it easier for people to get
this wonderful thing called MailScanner to work as well for them as it
does for him. Last I checked, he's doing it all out of the goodness of
his heart too; I don't think he's received a cent for what he's
done...and he's not asking for that either. Seeing people ask the same
basic questions without first reading the available resources is

I've learned that it's best when asking a question to explain what it is
that you want to do and why you want to do that, what exactly happens
when you try to do it, what error message(s) you get (if any), where and
what you've researched in your attempt to fix this on your own and why
that doesn't seem to work. Show everyone that you've put in the effort
yourself first, and you'll be more likely to get polite responses back.
I'm not suggesting that you want people to do your work for you, but
that has certainly been the case with others.

Finally, system administration is a very complicated job that requires
proficiency in a number of specialized areas. Not everyone has the time
or the knowledge to do it, and most people should not even try (as I
think of my parents or in-laws).

> Thanks Chris. You have said the most adult words in this ugly
> discussion. I really regret, that I asked this damn innocent question,
> but done is done.
> subject closed.

You're welcome.


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