(newbie) install/configuration question

Ugo Bellavance ugob at CAMO-ROUTE.COM
Mon Apr 12 18:43:48 IST 2004

> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Roger Frace [mailto:roger.frace at PERSIDEA.COM] 
> Envoyé : 12 avril, 2004 13:16
> Objet : (newbie) install/configuration question
> Hey Y'all,
> I think I'm *nearly* there on my install of MailScanner 4.29.7-1
> (current) on a box running on a fully patched Yellow Dog Linux 3.0
> (current, basically a port of RH). This is a test machine for an
> eventual install on a Slackware 7 box (my primary mail server). This
> install was done using the TAR distribution and following the
> instruction guide on the MailScanner homepage.  I've searched the list
> archives on the web and didn't find anything helpful.
> I don't have and won't be running SpamAssassin or any actual virus
> scanning software. I'm simply interested in deleting mails with .pif,
> .scr, etc attachments on the server instead of passing them through to
> the client.
> Right now, the server receives my test messages I send from my client,
> "scans" them (I see the processes in /var/log/messages, which is where
> all my mail.* logs go), and then moves from from mqueue.in to mqueue
> for delivery.
> However, the test .pif file which I'm mailing to myself (courtesy of
> some infected someone out there), is still being delivered to my inbox
> and not being deleted or quarantined on the server. Is there something
> I may be missing in  my MailScanner.conf file?  Some other 
> file? I'd be
> happy to include conf or log text, but at this point I don't know what
> elements would be helpful.
> One thing that does confuse me, though, is that even though the .conf
> file is set for "Virus Scanner = no" and "Virus Scanners = none", that
> my mail logs still will say "Virus and Content Scanning: Starting" and
> "Virus Scanning completed".

This is where you are confused.  Virus Scanners = none is ok, but you must put Virus Scanning = yes to make MailScanner run security checks (i.e. filename and filetype checks.)

I suggest you read carefully the comments on this settings, it is explained very well.

BTW I think MailScanner will always print "Virus and Content Scanning" even if it is turned off...
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks!

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