(newbie) install/configuration question

Roger Frace roger.frace at PERSIDEA.COM
Mon Apr 12 19:15:31 IST 2004

On Apr 12, 2004, at 12:43 PM, Ugo Bellavance wrote:

>> One thing that does confuse me, though, is that even though the .conf
>> file is set for "Virus Scanner = no" and "Virus Scanners = none", that
>> my mail logs still will say "Virus and Content Scanning: Starting" and
>> "Virus Scanning completed".
> This is where you are confused.  Virus Scanners = none is ok, but you
> must put Virus Scanning = yes to make MailScanner run security checks
> (i.e. filename and filetype checks.)
> I suggest you read carefully the comments on this settings, it is
> explained very well.

Actually, this seems to have fixed everything. It always seems to be
one setting...
Anyways, after adjusting some other setting to not notify the
send/recipient/admin, MailScanner seems to be working exactly the way I
would like it to.

> BTW I think MailScanner will always print "Virus and Content Scanning"
> even if it is turned off...

Yep, it does.

And thanks for your help!

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