Rules for Script not working

Roland Ehle mailscanner at CARLO65.DE
Mon Apr 12 10:48:48 IST 2004

Peter Bonivart schrieb:
> Roland Ehle wrote:
>>>> I set "Allow Script Tags = /etc/MailScanner/rules/script.rules" in my
>>>> MailScanner.conf (Version 4.29-7.1) and script.rules is:
>>>> From:   *     yes
>>>> From:   kusmierz at     yes
>>>> From:   * yes
>>>> Fromorto        default         no
>>>> Mails from * with Script tag are blocked.
> I doubt very much that Microsoft uses it's own servers to send out
> newsletters. Have you checked the envelope address of the blocked
> messages? My guess is that they don't match the From address you see in
> the mail client.

seems as if you found the problem. My maillog has at
as sender address, although, this does not seem to be a correct email


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