Adding of a Marketing image to top of message.

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Wed Apr 7 15:59:46 IST 2004

Christo Bezuidenhout wrote:
> Our marketing department requested that we add a .gif file to the top
> of each outgoing message. Is there any support for this kind of
> Feature in mailscanner. I know with some html you can add it in the
> signature file, but they need it on the top so you see that first.
> Most of our email is send out in HTML format.
> If not can this maybe be a feature request.

That helps the spam/virus problem how?  I think if there is such a thing it should be added to the dont-ever-make-this-a-feature request list.  Legal disclaimers waste enough bandwidth (see below!) without irritating adverts.  How about adding popups? flash? a feature that plays the company tune whenever anyone opens an email (think Intel or Nokia!) Argggh.  /rant

Why are people who 'work' in marketing so dumb?

Oh for the day when I can set
Convert HTML to Text = yes


BMRB International
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