Problem with update_virus_scanners script on Solaris

Mike Brudenell pmb1 at YORK.AC.UK
Mon Sep 29 14:33:13 IST 2003

--On Monday, September 29, 2003 2:28 pm +0100 Antony Stone
<Antony at SOFT-SOLUTIONS.CO.UK> wrote:

> Er, this was the chosen solution, as illustrated in the section of code
> you pasted above....
> ...or am I missing something subtle here?

(a small piece of egg flies by and hits me in the face)

Sorry: I cut'n'pasted that code out of my *tweaked* script and forgot to
*untweak* it.

The distributed script uses 'grep'.

The correction I've plumped for is to use 'fgrep' instead, which is what I
accidentally posted as being in the distributed version.

Sorry for the confusion!  Just to confirm: the distributed version
*doesn't* work out of the box on Solaris 8 with its standard 'grep'.


Mike B-}

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