MS 4.22-5, SA 2.55 & whitelist

Lee Garner garner at GARNET.ACNS.FSU.EDU
Thu Sep 18 23:14:47 IST 2003


We're using MailScanner 4.22-5 with SpamAssassin 2.55.

I'm confused about the interaction of this MailScanner
config file setting:

Is Definitely Not Spam = %rules-dir%/spam.whitelist.rules

...with SpamAssassin.

Is that config setting only applicable for Spam List
checking, or can we use it to prevent certain messages from
being processed by SpamAssassin?

Or, is it better to use either:

a) something like this: Use SpamAssassin = %rules-dir%/use.spamassassin.rules


b) "whitelist_from" entries in %etc-dir%/spam.assassin.prefs.conf

Oh, and one other question:

Does the "Spam Checks" setting in the MS config file have to be
set to "yes" for SpamAssassin to be used, or is that entirely
controlled by the "Use SpamAssassin" setting?


 - Lee
| Lee Garner (Unix Systems Administration)   | E-mail:    lee.garner at  |
| Academic Computing & Network Services      | Fax:       850-644-8722        |
| Florida State University                   | Voice:     850-644-2591        |
| Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2760  USA       | Teleport:  30°25'34N, 84°19'32W|

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