Mail Routing Issues {Scanned by HJMS}
Furnish, Trever G
Tue Sep 16 16:08:31 IST 2003
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Antony Stone [mailto:Antony at SOFT-SOLUTIONS.CO.UK]
> Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 9:28 AM
> Subject: Re: Mail Routing Issues {Scanned by HJMS}
> Unless you are particularly paranoid about telling this list what your
> domains are, maybe post the real names for a, b and c and we
> can do a bit of
> DNS lookup ourselves to see if it looks like there's a
> problem somewhere?
I think you may be missing what he wants to do - what he wants is to route
mail without using DNS ***AT ALL***, via the mailertable, essentially
overriding DNS. Thus he doesn't want the "real" information for a, b, and c
to have any impact on his email routing.
But that hopefully helpful statement is my sole contribution since I don't
remember how the mailertable even is supposed to work. :-)
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