Mail Routing Issues {Scanned by HJMS}
Antony Stone
Tue Sep 16 16:23:57 IST 2003
On Tuesday 16 September 2003 4:08 pm, Furnish, Trever G wrote:
> > From: Antony Stone
> >
> > Unless you are particularly paranoid about telling this list what your
> > domains are, maybe post the real names for a, b and c and we
> > can do a bit of
> > DNS lookup ourselves to see if it looks like there's a
> > problem somewhere?
> I think you may be missing what he wants to do - what he wants is to route
> mail without using DNS ***AT ALL***, via the mailertable, essentially
> overriding DNS. Thus he doesn't want the "real" information for a, b, and
> c to have any impact on his email routing.
Oh, right, yes. In that case you are correct, I misunderstood what the
problem was.
> But that hopefully helpful statement is my sole contribution since I don't
> remember how the mailertable even is supposed to work. :-)
Er, me too. I usually deal with this sort of situation with a local or
split DNS server handing MX records to the mail server.
If the human brain were so simple that we could understand it,
we'd be so simple that we couldn't.
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