Maximum Message Size Ruleset???

Jorge Agrelo jagrelo at
Fri Oct 31 18:06:43 GMT 2003

Hello all

I already posted this mail twice but no luck, here again

I'm tring to apply some size message restrictions per user according to this 
MailScanner feature.

# The maximum size of any message including the headers. If this is set to zero, 
# then no size checking is done.
# This can also be the filename of a ruleset, so you can have  
# different settings for different users. You might want to set this quite small for
# dialup users so their email applications don't time out downloading huge messages
Maximun Message Size = 0

In that sense I added a ruleset in this MailScanner line as follow:

Maximum Message Size = /etc/MailScanner/rules/sizes.rules 

# this is the file I created to put the size rules
From:   user at 200

I guess 200 means 200 bytes???, There is no examples of this ruleset

It does not work, How Can I do that?, What is the correct syntax for this ruleset? Any 
examples ???

Thanks in advance, Sincerely

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