Integrating MailScanner, SpamAssasin and Exchange
Derek Winkler
Wed Oct 22 14:44:50 IST 2003
We do just this.
We use a rule in Outlook to look for {Spam?} in the subject and move to a
folder in the users mailbox.
What I wanted to do was create a rule which looks for "ssssssssss" in the
headers. In Outlook you can't specify which header to search it's either all
or none without writing custom code. I wasn't going to modify the subject,
then if users had to reply to an email that had been identified as spam the
subject would be unmodified. This also has the advantage that users can
choose their own spam level.
The boss liked the subject modification so it stayed.
Users setup their own rules, so zero administration by admins except for
investigating false positives/negatives as reported by users.
Haven't implemented anything to feed false positives/negatives into salearn.
-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Boehnlein [mailto:damin at NACS.NET]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 9:01 PM
Subject: Integrating MailScanner, SpamAssasin and Exchange
We have been using the combination of Mailscanner and SpamAssasin
for quite a while now with great success. What a great set of tools! I've
contributed what I can over the years, however minor that may be, but I am
always quick to point out Mailscanner as an example of an extremely well
built and flexible open source project. It solves many of the problems
that the so called "Enterprise MTAs" can't effectively solve on their own!
Recently, I have been asked by a client to try and intergrate a
MailScanner + SpamAssasin front end with a Microsoft Exchange server
backend. The client wants mail passing through the MS+SA server to be
tagged with a header (simple) that identifies possible spam and then
having the Exchange server review that header and dump the mail to a Spam
folder for later review.
This is pitifully easy to do with procmail, by looking at the
Spam-Score header, but for all of the documentation I can find on
Exchange, I can find absolutely no method for doing this. Has anyone done
this on Exchange, or is there some other obvious way to make Exchange
throw out mail that is tainted?
Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc. Company Where everything clicks into place!
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