Local DCC 'server' and MS?

Ken Anderson ka at PACIFIC.NET
Wed Oct 15 16:14:16 IST 2003

Peter Bates wrote:

> Hello all...
> Reading this
> http://news.spamassassin.org/modules.php?op=modload&name=News&file=article&sid=56&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0
> and also upgrading to SA 2.60, which mentions this when doing a
> '-D --lint':
> debug: DCCifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found.
> debug: DCC is available: /usr/local/bin/dccproc
> ... are people out there running their own DCC servers/peers, or know
> what this 'dccifd' is?
> I've just been using the dccproc thing generally, but I've grown more
> concerned that I'm essentially 'taking' and not putting anything back
> (like peering, or adding DCC signatures or Razor sigs for incoming mail
> back into the 'pot', as it were)...

A basic dcc install (without running your own server) checks the
'public' servers that it's configured to check to generate the DCC_CHECK
score that your local SA uses. In this config, you are contributing just
the same as if you ran your own server, since the dcc servers you are
hitting will include your spam reports with their own.

If you get a lot of spam (as we do), you'll eventually get an email from
Vernon @ ryholite software asking you to stop hammering the public
servers and run your own! ;-).

You run the server 'dccd', and set it up to peer with several other dccd
servers. They exchange data regularly, so that you have a copy of the
global database. It's a bit odd in it's filenames/filestructure, but
it's free and it works well, is well supported and seems to be actively

One note of caution. It's a memory hog(currently 264012 KB), but stable.

I've not used dccifd before.

Ken A.

> Is anyone doing anything like this? Is there somewhere that MS could
> actually 'report' mail automatically in the way razor-report, etc. do,
> or is this all something that needs to be done at the MTA level?
> Thanks...
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
> Peter Bates, Systems Support Officer, Network Support Team.
> London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
> Telephone:0207-958 8353 / Fax: 0207- 636 9838

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