"HELP" MIME::Parser cannot open tmpfile

Tom Farrell thomas.farrell at LEVEL3.COM
Wed Oct 15 10:14:25 IST 2003


    This is my second post on this issue. I assume my original was not
answered because of lack of info. I just installed the new port 4.24-5 on
my FreeBSD system 5.0. When I use MailScanner without virus scanning
enabled, the scripts are able to move the mail between /var/spool/mqueue.in
and /var/spool/mqueue and I am able to process mail. When I enable virus
scanning, Mailscanner is unable to parse the messages and automatically
quarantines any mail. I have checked all my perl mods and they are upto
date. I have checked the usr/group rights on
dir /var/spool/mqueue /var/spool/mqueue.in & /var/spool/MailScanner/* they
all belong to correct usr/grp root/smmsp and these are the usr/grp I have
set in MailScanner.conf.
The error's I am getting in /var/log/maillog is.

 Cannot parse /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/5090/h9FC5YQb009588.header
and , MIME::Parser: can't open tmpfile: Invalid argument

when I look in this directory /var/spool/MailScanner/incoming/5090/ for
this file h9FC5YQb009588.header. it is not there I do see  h9FC5YQb009588
but not the .header extention.

Can someone please supply some suggestions as to how I can get this
working ?

Thnx in advance Tom

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