Uninstalling MailScanner

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Thu Oct 2 15:24:58 IST 2003


> new domain is added to sendmail and/or virtusertable is modified, a simple
> restart of sendmail is all thats needed to make it see the new domains.
> Once MailScanner is installed, is it simply a matter of restarting
> MailScanner to force the changes into effect ?


> Secondly, If for some reason I needed to remove mailscanner completely, is
> it simply a matter of stopping mail scanner, removing it from the startup
> scripts, then starting sendmail normally and re-adding it to the startup
> scripts ?

service stop MailScanner
service start sendmail

Thats it.

> Finally, what is the license for Inoculan ?  I have just downloaded it, and
> tested it, and it says in the readme that upon first use the license is
> printed - but it wasnt for me.  I am guessing it is not free for use ?

Cant help you with that one. Dont run Inoculan myself.


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