Sendmail mailertable troubles

Hirsh, Joshua joshua.hirsh at PARTNERSOLUTIONS.CA
Mon Nov 24 12:55:02 GMT 2003

Hi Al,

 For some features (such as mailertable) you can't just edit the
directly and add support. More than just the "Kmailertable hash
/etc/mail/mailertable" line is required to get the feature working, which is
why it's always best to create your from the MC.

 Yes, I know that it's "hard" to do it because of the way Sun does their
RaQ's, but to be %100 sure that it's working as it's supposed to, it's a
necessary evil.

 An easy way to tell for sure if it's included or not is to search your for other "mailertable" entries. You should see something like
this "#####  $Id: mailertable.m4,v 8.23" at the top of the file, as well as
specific configurations under "Parse1 -- the bottom half of ruleset 0" and
"Ruleset 90 -- try domain part of mailertable entry".

 As an absolutely last resort, you could try to manually add the rest of the
configuration into your, but it's not recommended.

 Hope that clears things up a little..


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