Lost text and attachments (Eudora+Cyrus issue)

Brad Patterson bradley at BRADPATTERSON.COM
Fri May 16 17:38:31 IST 2003


Unfortunately this did not resolve my issue.  The message in the syslog about fixing the
awkward mime boundary is gone, but the message still gets passed with no text,
attachments, and no MailScanner headers.

I am attempting to replicate the sender's environment for testing purposes.  Thanks for the
quick reply.

Brad Patterson

> Around line 533 of /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/SweepContent.pm, you
> will find this line:
> FixSubstringBoundaries($message, $id);
> Try commenting this out and re-run MailScanner.
> If the original Cyrus/Eudora problem has been fixed for a long time, then I
> will just get rid of this code altogether.

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