Lost text and attachments (Eudora+Cyrus issue)

Julian Field mailscanner at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri May 16 18:41:01 IST 2003

In which case I don't understand what is going wrong. Take a look at the
raw message text to see if you can see anything wrong with it. Nothing else
should re-write the MIME boundary.

At 17:38 16/05/2003, you wrote:
>Unfortunately this did not resolve my issue.  The message in the syslog
>about fixing the
>awkward mime boundary is gone, but the message still gets passed with no text,
>attachments, and no MailScanner headers.
>I am attempting to replicate the sender's environment for testing
>purposes.  Thanks for the
>quick reply.
>Brad Patterson
> > Around line 533 of /usr/lib/MailScanner/MailScanner/SweepContent.pm, you
> > will find this line:
> >
> > FixSubstringBoundaries($message, $id);
> >
> > Try commenting this out and re-run MailScanner.
> > If the original Cyrus/Eudora problem has been fixed for a long time, then I
> > will just get rid of this code altogether.

Julian Field
Professional Support Services at www.MailScanner.biz
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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