User controlled whitelist/blacklist

Richard Lynch rich at MAIL.WVNET.EDU
Thu May 15 22:20:11 IST 2003

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 06:41, Julian Field wrote:
> Okay, I admit I was waiting for someone to say that ;-)
> You are quite right, you can't have rulesets that point to rulesets.
> The per-domain and per-user (and per-IP) black/whitelist support is done
> via Custom Functions in Take a look in there and you'll
> find everything you need to get this going.
> --
> Julian Field
> MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

Ok, I've been looking at the comments and code and it
looks pretty straight forward to setup.  I'm not much of a Perl
programmer though so I couldn't tell from the code if the
black/whitelist support handles wildcard entries.  For examble, is an
entry of * allowed?  What about IP prefixes such as 10.10.3. ?


Richard Lynch <rich at>

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