confirming SPAM

Julian Field mailscanner at
Mon Mar 24 15:06:44 GMT 2003

At 14:57 24/03/2003, you wrote:
>I notice that all emails that are tagged as spam have the default
>alteration in the subject field of {SPAM?}. How do you tell the server that
>it is  or is not spam for future knowledge? Can it be forwarded to an email
>address on the server for whitelisting or blacklisting?

Sounds like you want to use "Razor2" which you can as part of SpamAssassin.
This system uses checksums of messages that are known to be spam, and
stores the checksums on central servers. Every time you receive a message
it checks it against the known spam checksums and uses that to decide if it
is spam or not.

Look at (I think) and you should find lots
more about Razor and Razor2.

Also, using the new Bayes engine in SpamAssassin 2.51 (but I would advise
you to wait for 2.52 release), the anti-spam engine will learn about spam
messages that it got wrong by your users feeding back the spam into the
engine. I have 2 addresses here, "spam" and "notspam", which users bounce
mail to when the spam engine gets it wrong. So its performance improves
with time as it learns lots of new spam.

>  Is there a GUI for
>normal end users to set these questionable emails as spam or regular email?
>If not - do all of these questionable emails have to be either delivered,
>deleted, bounced, etc. (only set by options in config file?)

You can let your users set their own preferences by using rulesets in the
MailScanner.conf file. Take a look in /etc/MailScanner/rules for some brief
instructions and examples. This can all, for example, be linked to a
database containing all the users' preferences.
Julian Field
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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