postfix compatability?

Matt Lowe ms at MLSIS.CO.UK
Sun Mar 23 21:51:35 GMT 2003

Finaly got these scripts onto a test server along with MailScanner
changed 2 lines in the file, added the scripts (all in the
location sujested in the posting)

But the main problem im getting at the moment is the mailscanner startup
script, which is trying to start sendmail instead of postfix and is
passing options to it that postfix dosn't reconise :(
it is also aparently (i may be misreading the code here) trying to start
2 instances of sendmail :(
how have you edited the start script for mailscanner for use with

Thanks for the help :)
Matt Lowe

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 19:55, Leland J. Steinke wrote:
> Julian Field wrote:
> > Any chance of you publishing all your scripts to make your setup work? They
> > would help a lot of people.
> >
> The perl scripts, along with our file, are in the attached archive.
> Yes, the scripts can be improved to run more quickly or converted to C, but they
> are working well enough for us.
> The final piece is to set the Sendmail2 config option to
> "/usr/local/spoolerator/", while leaving the MTA as sendmail.
> (Naturally, one can change the location of these scripts to whatever fits your
> local preferences.)
> One of our design goals was to minimize hacking on either postfix or
> MailScanner.  With only a single line change in MailScanner.conf and two lines
> in /etc/postfix/, I believe we succeeded in that design goal.
> Leland
> ps:  Be sure to set the file to point to the appropriate directories.
> pps:  Test, test, and test again before fielding this on a live system!!!

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