
Michael Forrest michael at ERG.ABDN.AC.UK
Thu Mar 20 13:12:05 GMT 2003

Hi All,

At the moment we use a "Required SpamAssassin Score" of 5 and a high
setting of 10 (which we bounce,delete). But over the past few months the
mail queues have been building up substantially with deferred connections
which are all bounces to real spam email and not false positives.

I was wondering if it was possible to change the behaviour slightly, in
such a way as to use more than just the raw SA score. For example :-

        SA Score >20                       - delete
        SA Score >10 AND NOT in SpamList   - bounce,delete
        SA Score >10 AND in SpamList       - delete
        SA Score >5                        - Mark as {Spam?}

Spam List being ORDB-RBL Infinite-Monkeys and RAZOR(I realise SA does
the RAZOR check:-()....

Any thoughts? or am i looking at this from the wrong angle. Could you cc
my address in the reply, since i'm currently set to digest mode for the
list group and would not see replies till midnight :-(



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