updated sendmail, now MailScanner isn't catching viruses

Spicer, Kevin Kevin.Spicer at BMRB.CO.UK
Mon Mar 10 14:06:58 GMT 2003

Have you checked sendmail (on its own) isn't running (bypassing MailScanner).  Some of the rpms have a habit of kicking off the sendmail process and/or configuring it to start at boot.

service sendmail stop
service MailScanner stop
ps -elf | grep sendmail
[ kill any sendmail processes ]
chkconfig sendmail off
service MailScanner start

Then test with eicar.com!

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jody Cleveland [mailto:Cleveland at MAIL.WINNEFOX.ORG]
> Sent: 10 March 2003 13:57
> Subject: updated sendmail, now MailScanner isn't catching viruses
> Hello,
> I'm running redhat 8 with sendmail. I used up2date to update 
> sendmail, and
> now MailScanner with f-prot is no longer catching viruses. Is there a
> setting or file that was overwritten when I updated that I 
> need to correct?
> --
> Jody Cleveland
> (cleveland at winnefox.org)
> Winnefox Library System
> Computer Support Specialist

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