HELP - Viruses are not detected

Julian Field mailscanner at
Sat Mar 8 22:16:21 GMT 2003

At 21:56 08/03/2003, you wrote:
>Julian wrote:
> >
> > By default these files are in /opt/MailScanner, not
> > /usr/local/MailScanner. If you are really using
> > /usr/local/MailScanner/etc for these, where have you put the -wrapper
> > scripts? Does the location of your -wrapper scripts match with the
> > contents of you virus.scanners.conf file? If you are using a mixture
> > of /opt and /usr/local, that could cause you all sorts of problems
> > with settings not matching up with the right locations.
> >
> > It looks like you have got the 2 directories confused a bit.
> >
>It possibly won't help Jan-Peter, but I also have a mixed configuration.
>On my MailScanner server, I am running FreeBSD 4.7, Sophos, F-Prot, Sendmail
>8.12.8 and MailScanner 4.13-3
>I upgraded Sendmail because of the Security Alert. This, combined with the
>Sophos change seemed to break my MailScanner 3.x so I decided to go the
>whole way and move to MailScanner 4.
>Because of different paths in the source package and on my server etc. I
>have now ended up with:
>MailScanner is actually installed in /usr/local/MailScanner-4.13-3
>/opt is linked to /usr/local
>mailscanner and MailScanner are linked to MailScanner-4.13-3
>So far, everything seems to be working fine. I do wonder though if I am
>heading for a fall - advice would be appreciated from anyone who might have
>considered this method.

That does give me some reassurance that 4.13-3 isn't fundamentally broken.
I've just been through every change in the code between 4.12 and 4.13, and
there isn't anything that should break it.

The only thing I can see that might cause you trouble is potential
confusion when doing future upgrades. But if you are happy with that, then
I don't see any great problem with it.

Thanks for the info!
Julian Field
Professional Support Services at
MailScanner thanks transtec Computers for their support

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