Mariano Absatz
mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR
Fri Mar 7 16:16:39 GMT 2003
I know this is an old one... but I have a couple of doubts about MIME-tools.
For what I read, I don't want new versions of it, fine.
When I browse in CPAN, I find 2 versions:
5.411a (dated 16/11/2001)
5.411 (dated 5/6/2001)
I download them both... and find no difference, whatsoever (diff -rc)
Is that a packaging problem? anybody knows?
The other thing I see is that you provide 4 important security patches at:
Now, why don't you combine them into just one? like the one I'm attaching?
The result should be the same and it's easier to do, isn't it?
Mariano Absatz
El Baby
Error, no keyboard - press F1 to continue.
-------------- next part --------------
diff -rc MIME-tools-5.411/lib/MIME/Field/ParamVal.pm MIME-tools-5.411-patched4/lib/MIME/Field/ParamVal.pm
*** MIME-tools-5.411/lib/MIME/Field/ParamVal.pm Sat Nov 4 16:54:49 2000
--- MIME-tools-5.411-patched4/lib/MIME/Field/ParamVal.pm Fri Mar 7 12:44:10 2003
*** 9,50 ****
# Create an object for a content-type field:
! $field = new Mail::Field 'Content-type';
# Set some attributes:
$field->param('_' => 'text/html');
$field->param('charset' => 'us-ascii');
$field->param('boundary' => '---ABC---');
# Same:
$field->set('_' => 'text/html',
'charset' => 'us-ascii',
'boundary' => '---ABC---');
# Get an attribute, or undefined if not present:
print "no id!" if defined($field->param('id'));
# Same, but use empty string for missing values:
print "no id!" if ($field->paramstr('id') eq '');
# Output as string:
print $field->stringify, "\n";
! This is an abstract superclass of most MIME fields. It handles
fields with a general syntax like this:
Content-Type: Message/Partial;
! number=2; total=3;
! id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s at thumper.bellcore.com"
Comments are supported I<between> items, like this:
Content-Type: Message/Partial; (a comment)
! number=2 (another comment) ; (yet another comment) total=3;
! id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s at thumper.bellcore.com"
--- 9,50 ----
# Create an object for a content-type field:
! $field = new Mail::Field 'Content-type';
# Set some attributes:
$field->param('_' => 'text/html');
$field->param('charset' => 'us-ascii');
$field->param('boundary' => '---ABC---');
# Same:
$field->set('_' => 'text/html',
'charset' => 'us-ascii',
'boundary' => '---ABC---');
# Get an attribute, or undefined if not present:
print "no id!" if defined($field->param('id'));
# Same, but use empty string for missing values:
print "no id!" if ($field->paramstr('id') eq '');
# Output as string:
print $field->stringify, "\n";
! This is an abstract superclass of most MIME fields. It handles
fields with a general syntax like this:
Content-Type: Message/Partial;
! number=2; total=3;
! id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s at thumper.bellcore.com"
Comments are supported I<between> items, like this:
Content-Type: Message/Partial; (a comment)
! number=2 (another comment) ; (yet another comment) total=3;
! id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s at thumper.bellcore.com"
*** 100,105 ****
--- 100,108 ----
# token = 1*<any (ASCII) CHAR except SPACE, CTLs, or tspecials>
my $TSPECIAL = '()<>@,;:\</[]?="';
+ #" Fix emacs highlighting...
my $TOKEN = '[^ \x00-\x1f\x80-\xff' . "\Q$TSPECIAL\E" . ']+';
# Encoded token:
*** 108,113 ****
--- 111,119 ----
# Pattern to match spaces or comments:
my $SPCZ = '(?:\s|\([^\)]*\))*';
+ # Pattern to match non-semicolon as fallback for broken MIME
+ # produced by some viruses
+ my $BADTOKEN = '[^;]+';
*** 133,139 ****
'total' => 3,
'id' => "ocj=pbe0M2");
! Note that a single argument is taken to be a I<reference> to
a paramhash, while multiple args are taken to be the elements
of the paramhash themselves.
--- 139,145 ----
'total' => 3,
'id' => "ocj=pbe0M2");
! Note that a single argument is taken to be a I<reference> to
a paramhash, while multiple args are taken to be the elements
of the paramhash themselves.
*** 160,175 ****
it as a hash reference. For example, here is a field with parameters:
Content-Type: Message/Partial;
! number=2; total=3;
! id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s at thumper.bellcore.com"
Here is how you'd extract them:
$params = $class->parse_params('content-type');
if ($$params{'_'} eq 'message/partial') {
! $number = $$params{'number'};
! $total = $$params{'total'};
! $id = $$params{'id'};
Like field names, parameter names are coerced to lowercase.
--- 166,181 ----
it as a hash reference. For example, here is a field with parameters:
Content-Type: Message/Partial;
! number=2; total=3;
! id="oc=jpbe0M2Yt4s at thumper.bellcore.com"
Here is how you'd extract them:
$params = $class->parse_params('content-type');
if ($$params{'_'} eq 'message/partial') {
! $number = $$params{'number'};
! $total = $$params{'total'};
! $id = $$params{'id'};
Like field names, parameter names are coerced to lowercase.
*** 181,190 ****
--- 187,226 ----
+ sub rfc2231decode {
+ my($val) = @_;
+ my($enc, $lang, $rest);
+ if ($val =~ m/^([^\']*)\'([^\']*)\'(.*)$/) {
+ $enc = $1;
+ $lang = $2;
+ $rest = $3;
+ $rest = rfc2231percent($rest);
+ } elsif ($val =~ m/^([^\']*)\'([^\']*)$/) {
+ $enc = $1;
+ $rest = $2;
+ $rest = rfc2231percent($rest);
+ } else {
+ $rest = rfc2231percent($val);
+ }
+ return $rest;
+ }
+ sub rfc2231percent {
+ # Do percent-subsitution
+ my($str) = @_;
+ $str =~ s/%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/pack("c", hex($1))/ge;
+ return $str;
+ }
sub parse_params {
my ($self, $raw) = @_;
my %params = ();
+ my %rfc2231params = ();
my $param;
+ my $val;
+ my $part;
# Get raw field, and unfold it:
defined($raw) or $raw = '';
*** 200,208 ****
$raw =~ m/\G$SPCZ\;$SPCZ/og or last; # skip leading separator
$raw =~ m/\G($PARAMNAME)\s*=\s*/og or last; # give up if not a param
$param = lc($1);
! $raw =~ m/\G(\"([^\"]+)\")|\G($TOKEN)|\G($ENCTOKEN)/g or last; # give up if no value
! my ($qstr, $str, $token, $enctoken) = ($1, $2, $3, $4);
! $params{$param} = defined($qstr) ? $str : (defined($token) ? $token : $enctoken);
debug " field param <$param> = <$params{$param}>";
--- 236,282 ----
$raw =~ m/\G$SPCZ\;$SPCZ/og or last; # skip leading separator
$raw =~ m/\G($PARAMNAME)\s*=\s*/og or last; # give up if not a param
$param = lc($1);
! $raw =~ m/\G(\"([^\"]+)\")|\G($ENCTOKEN)|\G($BADTOKEN)|\G($TOKEN)/g or last; # give up if no value"
! my ($qstr, $str, $enctoken, $badtoken, $token) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5);
! if (defined($badtoken)) {
! # Strip leading/trailing whitespace from badtoken
! $badtoken =~ s/^\s*//;
! $badtoken =~ s/\s*$//;
! }
! $val = defined($qstr) ? $str :
! (defined($enctoken) ? $enctoken :
! (defined($badtoken) ? $badtoken : $token));
! # Do RFC 2231 processing
! if ($param =~ /\*/) {
! my($name, $num);
! # Pick out the parts of the parameter
! if ($param =~ m/^([^*]+)\*([^*]+)\*?$/) {
! # We have param*number* or param*number
! $name = $1;
! $num = $2;
! } else {
! # Fake a part of zero... not sure how to handle this properly
! $param =~ s/\*//g;
! $name = $param;
! $num = 0;
! }
! # Decode the value unless it was a quoted string
! if (!defined($qstr)) {
! $val = rfc2231decode($val);
! }
! $rfc2231params{$name}{$num} .= $val;
! } else {
! # Make a fake "part zero" for non-RFC2231 params
! $rfc2231params{$param}{"0"} = $val;
! }
! }
! # Extract reconstructed parameters
! foreach $param (keys %rfc2231params) {
! foreach $part (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$rfc2231params{$param}}) {
! $params{$param} .= $rfc2231params{$param}{$part};
! }
debug " field param <$param> = <$params{$param}>";
*** 227,233 ****
# Allow use as constructor, for MIME::Head:
ref($self) or $self = bless({}, $self);
# Get params, and stuff them into the self object:
--- 301,307 ----
# Allow use as constructor, for MIME::Head:
ref($self) or $self = bless({}, $self);
# Get params, and stuff them into the self object:
diff -rc MIME-tools-5.411/lib/MIME/Parser.pm MIME-tools-5.411-patched4/lib/MIME/Parser.pm
*** MIME-tools-5.411/lib/MIME/Parser.pm Sun Nov 12 02:55:11 2000
--- MIME-tools-5.411-patched4/lib/MIME/Parser.pm Fri Mar 7 12:44:47 2003
*** 378,393 ****
=item extract_nested_messages OPTION
I<Instance method.>
! Some MIME messages will contain a part of type C<message/rfc822>:
literally, the text of an embedded mail/news/whatever message.
This option controls whether (and how) we parse that embedded message.
If the OPTION is false, we treat such a message just as if it were a
C<text/plain> document, without attempting to decode its contents.
! If the OPTION is true (the default), the body of the C<message/rfc822>
! part is parsed by this parser, creating an entity object.
! What happens then is determined by the actual OPTION:
=over 4
--- 378,394 ----
=item extract_nested_messages OPTION
I<Instance method.>
! Some MIME messages will contain a part of type C<message/rfc822>
! or C<message/partial> or C<message/external-body>:
literally, the text of an embedded mail/news/whatever message.
This option controls whether (and how) we parse that embedded message.
If the OPTION is false, we treat such a message just as if it were a
C<text/plain> document, without attempting to decode its contents.
! If the OPTION is true (the default), the body of the C<message/rfc822>
! or C<message/partial> part is parsed by this parser, creating an
! entity object. What happens then is determined by the actual OPTION:
=over 4
*** 592,597 ****
--- 593,599 ----
# I<Instance method.>
# Process and return the next header.
+ # Return undef if, instead of a header, the encapsulation boundary is found.
# Fatal exception on failure.
sub process_header {
*** 612,617 ****
--- 614,623 ----
foreach (@headlines) { s/[\r\n]+\Z/\n/ } ### fold
### How did we do?
+ if ($hdr_rdr->eos_type eq 'DELIM') {
+ $self->whine("bogus part, without CRLF before body");
+ return;
+ }
($hdr_rdr->eos_type eq 'DONE') or
$self->error("unexpected end of header\n");
*** 983,989 ****
### Parse and add the header:
my $head = $self->process_header($in, $rdr);
! $ent->head($head);
### Tweak the content-type based on context from our parent...
### For example, multipart/digest messages default to type message/rfc822:
--- 989,1005 ----
### Parse and add the header:
my $head = $self->process_header($in, $rdr);
! if (not defined $head) {
! $self->debug("bogus empty part");
! $head = $self->interface('HEAD_CLASS')->new;
! $head->mime_type('text/plain; charset=US-ASCII');
! $ent->head($head);
! $ent->bodyhandle($self->new_body_for($head));
! $ent->bodyhandle->open("w")->close;
! $self->results->level(-1);
! return $ent;
! }
! $ent->head($head);
### Tweak the content-type based on context from our parent...
### For example, multipart/digest messages default to type message/rfc822:
*** 997,1004 ****
if ($type eq 'multipart') {
$self->process_multipart($in, $rdr, $ent);
! elsif (("$type/$subtype" eq "message/rfc822") &&
! $self->extract_nested_messages) {
$self->debug("attempting to process a nested message");
$self->process_message($in, $rdr, $ent);
--- 1013,1022 ----
if ($type eq 'multipart') {
$self->process_multipart($in, $rdr, $ent);
! elsif (("$type/$subtype" eq "message/rfc822" ||
! "$type/$subtype" eq "message/external-body" ||
! ("$type/$subtype" eq "message/partial" && $head->mime_attr("content-type.number") == 1)) &&
! $self->extract_nested_messages) {
$self->debug("attempting to process a nested message");
$self->process_message($in, $rdr, $ent);
diff -rc MIME-tools-5.411/lib/MIME/Words.pm MIME-tools-5.411-patched4/lib/MIME/Words.pm
*** MIME-tools-5.411/lib/MIME/Words.pm Fri Nov 10 13:45:12 2000
--- MIME-tools-5.411-patched4/lib/MIME/Words.pm Fri Mar 7 12:44:10 2003
*** 186,192 ****
$@ = ''; ### error-return
### Collapse boundaries between adjacent encoded words:
! $encstr =~ s{(\?\=)\r?\n[ \t](\=\?)}{$1$2}gs;
pos($encstr) = 0;
### print STDOUT "ENC = [", $encstr, "]\n";
--- 186,192 ----
$@ = ''; ### error-return
### Collapse boundaries between adjacent encoded words:
! $encstr =~ s{(\?\=)\s*(\=\?)}{$1$2}gs;
pos($encstr) = 0;
### print STDOUT "ENC = [", $encstr, "]\n";
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