MS vs. Trend

Miguel Koren OBrien de Lacy miguelk at KONSULTEX.COM.BR
Mon Mar 3 20:40:47 GMT 2003


If your comparison is based in Argentina, I would say that at the moment the price
(initial and ongoing...) comparison is far more important that appears at first ;-)

As Kevin said, I can see absolutely no benefit in a Trend solution.

1) virus catching performance = depends on the engine (is Trend that good?)
2) spam = SpamAssasin is state of the art
3) administration = Mail Scanner is 'set and forget' (unless you use Sophos)

We have been running MailScanner (also in Brazil) for about 2 years and the
performance, bug fixes, additional tools, etc. have been excellent. We saved a bundle
and have not had any problems. We are currently evaluating the use of CLAM to
eliminate any cost whatsoever. If you would like system support with this in Buenos
Aires let me know by separate mail.


Konsultex Informatica (

---------- Original Message -----------
From: Mariano Absatz <mailscanner at LISTS.COM.AR>
Sent: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:58:06 -0300
Subject: MS vs. Trend

> Hi there,
> I'm faced with making a "business case" of "mailscanner+some commercial av"
> against trend micro "complete antivirus/antispam/whatever solution"... I
> wonder if anyone out there have some input for it...
> --
> Mariano Absatz
> El Baby
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> It's hard to be humble when you're perfect.
------- End of Original Message -------

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