Symantec AntiVirus Command Line Scanner

Thomas DuVally thomas_duvally at BROWN.EDU
Fri Jun 27 16:02:14 IST 2003

On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 10:39, Spicer, Kevin wrote:
> I came accross it today when looking at their site (we're considering moving to Norton/ Symantec, mainly due to preferred supplier issues within our group)  I don't remember seeing it when I looked previously (although I may well have been looking in a different place, such as just at the Norton branded products).  I guess the support for RH6.2 probably should have tipped me off about its age!  Anyway... my original question still stands, has anyone got any experience with this product wither with or without mailscanner?
We already had platinum support from Symantec, so going out and spending
another 10-20k on AV wasn't in the budget, so I hacked in support in
MailScanner 3.x, then upgraded to 4-x.

We are using it right now with MailScanner 4-10 on Solaris. I am getting
ready to upgrade to 4-20.3 since I just got it working.  One issue is
that we have to have it restart every once in a while (every 6 hours).
We process 180k+ messages a day, so it get quite a workout.  I think
there is a memory leak in it, but we haven't had trouble with it yet. (I
know, crude and wasteful, but it works for us)

Look into Symantec Anti-Virus Scan Engine for Linux/Solaris.  This is
the newer version of Carrier Scan and includes the command-line
scanner.  I am looking into it, too, hoping they haven't changed it too

If you decide you want to give it a shot, let me know.  I can send you
the diffs for MailScanner (after sending them to Julian, of course...
GPL, you know) and help you avoid the problems I ran into.  It took me
sometime before I was sure it would work right.
Thomas J. DuVally
Lead Systems Prog.
CIS, Brown Univ.

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