Upgraded SpamAssassin, now it's not working with MS

Jody Cleveland Cleveland at MAIL.WINNEFOX.ORG
Tue Jun 3 20:13:27 IST 2003

> Use a nice recent version of MailScanner. There are all sorts
> of locking problems that have to be solved to support
> SpamAssassin 2.5x and its Bayes database, and I have only
> written these since SpamAssassin 2.5 settled down. If you use
> an old MailScanner with SpamAssassin 2.5 and you use the
> Bayes code, I can't guarantee the integrity of your Bayes db
> files when nasty things happen.

Ok, just so I get this straight when I do this tomorrow morning, I
download latest version, run install.sh, then run


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