ANNOUNCE: Version 4.22-4 released

Raymond Dijkxhoorn raymond at PROLOCATION.NET
Thu Jul 3 11:10:05 IST 2003


> Strange, RBL checks stopped happening.  Turning on some debug revealed
> that none of the entries in the Spam Lists file (spam.lists.conf) were
> being found due to case mismatch.  Changing everything in
> spam.lists.conf to lower case fixed the problem and RBL checks are
> happening again for me.
> My guess is that the following has something to do with this...
>  > * Fixes *
>  > - RBLs are converted to lower-case when read from MailScanner.conf.

Yes, i can confirm this, i upgraded and since that no matches were made on
the Easynet lists i use, after changing to lowercase in the
spam.lists.conf they are comming in again straight away.

Julian, time for a quick fix i guess :))


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